Whole Conference
Mar 26, 2022 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM(America/New_York)
20220326T1330 20220326T1500 America/New_York Saturday Afternoon Keynote Panel: What IS the Best Interest of the Child?

Welcome to the 10th Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference 

The Evolution of Adoption Practice: Activist and Community Perspectives

Password for the Vimeo Video: AIC2022PAID

Keynote Panel: What IS the Best Interests of the Child https://vimeo.com/720236178

Jae Ran Kim (Moderator)

Zeina Ismail-Allouche

Ms. Shanyce Henley

Tara Linh Leaman

Links and Highlights during Chat: WIKI

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_Rights_of_the_Child .GOV




On Your Feet Foundation: https://onyourfeetfoundation.org/






Links and Highlights during Chat: 

WIKI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_Rights_of_the_Child

.GOV https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubPDFs/best_interest.pdf

WIKI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bes ...

Whole Conference Adoption Initiative Conference 2020/2022 adoptioninitiative@gmail.com
72 attendees saved this session

Welcome to the 10th Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference 

The Evolution of Adoption Practice: Activist and Community Perspectives

Password for the Vimeo Video: AIC2022PAID

Keynote Panel: What IS the Best Interests of the Child https://vimeo.com/720236178

Jae Ran Kim (Moderator)

Zeina Ismail-Allouche

Ms. Shanyce Henley

Tara Linh Leaman

Links and Highlights during Chat: WIKI

Links and Highlights during Chat: 

WIKI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_Rights_of_the_Child

.GOV https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubPDFs/best_interest.pdf

WIKI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best_interests

On Your Feet Foundation: https://onyourfeetfoundation.org/








13:39:41 From Haley Radke // Adoptees On to Everyone:

Shanyce would you be comfortable sharing a link to your blog? I would love to read more about your experiences.

13:46:18 From Shanyce H to Everyone:

My blog is https://ouramazingforeverfamily.com/ I go by my middle name on the blog so you will see my post listed as Danelle. :) We post about once a month although we try to be more frequent hahaha.

13:51:07 From JaeRan Kim (she/hers) to Everyone:


13:53:48 From Derek Kirton to Everyone:

Part of the problem is that western (esp. Anglo-Saxon) legal systems construct best interests in individual terms, when oppression operates largely at group levels. Even more problematically, individual decisions in adoption can serve to mask wider structural oppressions i.e. the answer to poverty, domestically or globally is said to be more (individual) adoptions, which leave wider social forces untouched or even more entrenched. Best interests need to be understood, defended and advanced collectively (considering children rather than just 'the child'), as implicitly for example in ICWA, but as Susan H highlighted earlier, this (and its underpinning) is always vulnerable to attack.

14:27:14 From JaeRan Kim (she/hers) to Everyone:



14:16:09 From Mary Pollock(she/her) to Everyone:

What would best interest of the child look like in regard to displaced children and families within the context of the conflict in Ukraine? In this instance, it can be exceedingly challenging to maintain the child within their own country and even culture due to the mass displacement of millions of Ukrainians. What would be your perspective(s) regarding best interest of the child in cases such as this?

14:19:06 From Zeina Ismail-Allouche to Everyone:

Save the children has just made a statement to halt the massive adoption of Ukrainian children and allow time to re-unify the children with parents

14:20:10 From Amanda Baden to Everyone:

How do we manage all the rescue-religious adopters? There are some real dangers there.

14:20:12 From Mary Pollock(she/her) to Everyone:

What would be your recommendation with regard to next steps if reunification of these children with their birth families is not possible though?

14:20:32 From Doris Michol Sippel to Everyone:

Pres Zelinsky has put a stop to any adoptions out of Ukraine because of potential fraud, kidnapping, child trafficking,... He is, in fact, following what we have been promoting for years: countries need to take care of their own children, and, wealthy people should not see opportunities to grab up children as in Savior Complex. So, Ukraine's children are not going for international adoptions right now. It is in the News.

14:21:10 From Adam Pertman to Everyone:

Adoption should not even be a serious topic of discussion during situations like the one in Ukraine.

14:21:31 From Doris Michol Sippel to Everyone:

Exactly, Adam!

14:21:38 From Adam Pertman to Everyone:

Except to explain to people why it's a bad, inappropriate idea.




14:43:44 From Michelle to Everyone:

Agree with Shanyce 100%. APs seeing their adoptee's grief and loss makes them try to erase it. This leads to a majority of open adoptions being closed! Holding space for the adoptee's discomfort is a huge gift. 

14:53:00 From Michelle to Everyone: 

Question… New wisdom suggests open adoptions are supposed to be best for child, yet 76% fail. If the best interest for adoptee is center, how do we make open adoptions more successful? (… basing "failure rate" on this survey where 76% of Birth mothers said "Open Adoption Has Not Worked Well" and 61% said the adoptive family closed it, often against their will, and often between age 4 to 7) Source: https://adoptionsurveysblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/28/results-in-naturalbirth-mom-perceptions-in-open-adoption/

14:53:28 From Valerie Andrews to Everyone:

^^^^ This

14:57:26 From Adam Pertman to Everyone:

Enforceable agreements would be a good start, in my view.

Keynote/invited speKER
Panelist / Birthmother
On Your Feet Foundation
Westchester County (NY) Department of Social Services
 JaeRan Kim
Professor of Psychology
Mount Saint Mary College
 Angie Swanson-Kyriaco
MPower Alliance
Dr. Rafael Javier
St. John's University
Dr. Susan  Branco
Assistant Professor, Licensed Professional Counselor
St. Bonaventure University
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