Purchase Tickets

To register for this conference, please fill out the Adoption Initiative Registration Form on Dryfta on this website. 

On the Tickets page, click "Select Number of Attendees" to complete the form. 

To purchase tickets for the conference and/or to make a donation to the Adoption Initiative, go to Adoption Initiative on EventBrite

Please note, in the EventBrite app for iPhone, the ticket purchasing link is not available. On iPhones, open the QR code in Safari. 

EventBrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/adoption-initiative-biennial-conference-20202022-tickets-230686057207 


In an effort to be inclusive of those whose lives have been impacted by care and welfare systems including adoption, as well as those who might not necessarily have the means to pay for conference registration for other reasons, we are asking participants to consider donating more to help cover the costs for potential attendees so impacted.

Further to this, we are on a case-by-case basis extending discounted registration to those unable to attend due to financial constraints. Please contact Daniel Drennan ElAwar [drennan@panix.com] for further information if you would like to attend but are unable to for financial reasons.

We thank all of our community for thus allowing a broad spectrum of participants to attend our conference, and for helping make sure that all those who wish to attend are able to do so.


All cancellation refund requests must be received in writing.  Requests may be emailed, mailed or faxed (contact information below).  Cancellations for the 2022 conference received by March 1 will receive a 75% refund.  Cancellations received by. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after March 11 2022.  Telephone requests will not be honored.

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